Cocktail Recipes

Welcome to the Rhum&Sens cocktail recipes page where you will find ideas for concocting delicious cocktails to impress your family and friends.

5 flavors are in the spotlight to prepare your cocktails:

  • Raspberry, Pineapple, Passion Fruit
  • Mango, Pineapple, Passion Fruit
  • Lime
  • Mango, Orange, Passion Fruit
  • Planter

Crafted by a woman for women, the brand brings fruity aromas and refined flavors so that you can experience a moment of delight from the first sip.

Our arranged rums are light, round rums, with subtle and delicate flavors, which will revive your taste buds. It will remind you of your travels, your holidays, your tastes for escape, exoticism.

Our arranged rums, “Made in France”, combine West Indian and tropical flavors. This mixture creates a sensation of sweetness pleasant to drink, which suits the refined palates of women, for an unprecedented tasting.

Word from the Founder:

A whole ancestral and artisanal know-how in
our bottles of arranged rums!

Find them in our RhumetSens e-shop